Think Plastic Brazil

Only a few vacancies are left for the 3rd World Plastic Connection Summit, the main Brazilian event with an international

For over 45 years in the market, Valgroup has become one of the largest producers, transformers, and recyclers of plastic

Giácomo Parolin, a Brazilian doctoral student at DTU and Grundfos, in Denmark, will be speaking during the World Plastic Connection

With the support of the companies Colorfix and Vasart, Think Plastic Brazil has confirmed the participation of Egyptian designer Karim

Think Plastic Brazil (Brazilian Converted Plastics Export and Internationalization Program), created by INP (Brazilian Plastics Institute) in partnership with ApexBrasil

The World Plastic Connection Summit will be held at Blue Tree Premium Alphaville (Alameda Madeira, 398 – Alphaville, Barueri, SP),

There are several classifications for recycling processes. Currently, the best known and most used is mechanical recycling. In mechanical recycling,

Karim Rashid, the renowned U.S.-based designer is a confirmed presence at the 3rd World Plastic Connection Summit, which will take

The World Plastic Connection Award is dedicated to the Brazilian converted plastic industries opens registration for companies not associated with

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